Wales Archive


Business Newsletter

In the news this week: Plan ahead for Tax; Self-assessment reminder; Coronation weekend celebrations; Deposit Return Scheme and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Business resilience; Statutory pay rates 2023; R&D Tax relief reform consultation; Welsh Water Community Fund and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up looks at: 2023 business resolutions; the Energy Bills Discount Scheme; StartUp Awards National Series; the Freight Innovation Fund and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: prepare a 2023 Strategic plan; MTD for ITSA; extension to Mortgage Guarantee Scheme; Help to Buy Wales and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Ideas for business; Post-Brexit reform of financial services; Help for Households; No to single use plastics and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: The Payment and Cash Flow review; The Right to Request Flexible Working; Tax Free Xmas Gifts; NRW charges 2023/2024 and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up looks at: The importance of planning; New Export Finance initiative; COVID-19 payments reminder; The Export Hub and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up looks at: HMRC changes for Sole Trader and Partnership; Bill 2022; Materials for space; We’re in Your Corner campaign and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up looks at: Autumn Statement Summary; new VAT penalties; The Green Alley Awards 2023; The Sustainable Farming Scheme and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Planning for the new economy; Business continuity planning; Payments via umbrella companies; Global Entrepreneurship Week 2022 and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Business goodwill for tax purposes; R&D Fraud arrests; Self-assessment & COVID-19 payments; SMART Towns Wales and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Reviewing business plans; The Menopause; Energy Bills Support Factsheet; Support for Welsh Food Businesses and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Value through innovation; Tax reliefs for business; The Recovery Loan Scheme; Surplus with Purpose Cymru Fund and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Self Assessment Scams; Preparing for emergencies; Young people in the workplace; Healthy Working Wales and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Making Tax Digital; NICs – possible anti-avoidance; Start-up loans expansion; Visitor levy for local authorities and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Top Rate Tax U-turn; Payroll effects of NIC Changes; Gift Aid awareness day; £100 million investment in childcare and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Government growth measures; energy bills support; IP protection abroad; the consultation for a Visitor Levy in Wales and much more…

Business Newsletter

In this week’s news round-up: Short-term plans; Recruitment strategies; Capital finance explained; JCVI updated advice on vaccine and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: ‘Liz Truss announces’; Long term finances; Company House filing; Bidding process for Wales’ first freeport and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up includes: ‘What If’ analysis; New WebFiling; Umbrella Company warning; Sustainable Fashion Week; Net zero start-up grants and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Business valuations; the ‘CDS’ deadline; advisory fuel rate; Big Ideas Wales On Tour and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Tax-free childcare accounts; ‘Shareholders Agreement’; the Air Mobility Accelerator; Age-friendly Workplaces much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news round-up highlights: Managing your cash; Tips to manage inflation; Employment status rules; The National Defibrillator Network and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week, our news round-up highlights: Helping with the cost-of-living crisis; Employee Status and employment rights; Energy Management; Record Tax Revenues for Wales and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week, our business round-up looks at: Future Tax cuts; Marketing plans; Help to Grow – Digital Scheme; The Tipping Bill; the Welsh Automotive Forum and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week, our business round-up highlights: Sustainability; Recovery Loan Scheme; Paper £20 & £50 notes to be withdrawn; New Events Strategy and much more…

Business Newsletter

The business news this week includes: Strategic Planning; Share Incentives for Staff; Plastic Packaging Tax update; New farm support proposed and much more…

Business Newsletter

The business news this week highlights: Cash flow; Commercial finance and asset-based lending; Making Tax Digital; the Young Person’s Start Up Grant and much more…

Business Newsletter

The business news this week highlights: Rogue R&D consultants; The Help to Grow management scheme; COVID-19 testing extension and much more…

Business Newsletter

The business news this week highlights: Characteristics of innovative businesses; Update contact details for The Pensions Regulator; Crowdfund Wales and much more…

Business Newsletter

The business news this week includes: MTD for VAT new penalties for non-compliance; The Accident Book; Companies House webinars; MADE Cymru Indu

Business Newsletter

The business news this week includes: Tax-efficient finance for your company; overclaimed SEISS grants; health & safety for seasonal works; ReAct+ and much more.

Business Newsletter

The business news round-up highlights: The importance of cash flow; Tax relief for innovation; the move to the New Customs IT platform; Summer
tax news

Business Newsletter

This week’s business news round-up looks at: Writing a business plan; the Employment Allowance; Finance for small firms; new Freeport in Wales and much more.
Business Newsletter Wales

Business Newsletter

This week’s business news round-up looks at: Writing a business plan; the Employment Allowance; Finance for small firms; new Freeport in Wales and much more.

Business Newsletter

In this week’s business news, we look at: Cash Flow management; the Queen’s Speech; British Capital Allowance reforms, Wales Tourism Week and much more.
Business Newsletter Wales

Business Newsletter

In this week’s business news, we look at: How to value a business; Starting a new business; Manufacturing sector in Wales Survey and much more.

Business Newsletter

In this week’s business news, we look at: the effects of Inflation; New Competition Law; Tax Credit packs; Winning Welsh Government contracts and much more.

Business Newsletter

In this week’s news we look at: Business resilience in tough times, Giving Shares to Employees, UK plans to become Cryptoasset tech hub, FinTech Awards Wales and much more…

Business Newsletter

In this week’s news we look at: Creating a strategic plan, Green energy, New IT platform for HMRC; Agreement on Cladding; Flexible Skills Programme and much more…

Business Newsletter

In this week’s news we look at: Business resilience in tough times, Giving Shares to Employees, UK plans to become Cryptoasset tech hub, FinTech Awards Wales and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news highlights: 101 Great Marketing Questions, What to do with your saving, Tax relief for employee travel, New UK Government webinars for importing meat products and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news highlights: the Homes for Ukraine, Attacks on Personal Tax Accounts, Property finance, the Disability Confident – Employer Webinar and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news topics include: Creating a marketing plan, Peer to peer lending, Salary sacrifice, the Wales Business Awards 2022 and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news highlights: Trading with Ukraine or Russia; business analysis, asset finance, Time to Change Wales programme and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news looks at: Tax planning in 2022; count down for MTD for VAT; Recruiting new employees; a plan to launch Wales’ space sector and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news looks at: Cash flow; Changes to Accounting for VAT on Imports; Payrolling Benefits in Kind; the Brilliant Basics Fund and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news highlights: The importance of shareholders agreements, Tax Free Childcare Accounts, Wales Week London 2022 and much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news looks at: Growth strategy, new investment for creative businesses, the Levelling Up white paper, Welsh Business Shows 2022 and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news provides information about: Preparing for MTD for VAT, Submitting Tax returns, a Return to Plan A, the Emergency Business Fund and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news highlights: Exit Planning, Statutory Pay Rates, Health and Safety of home workers, Welsh Writing Awards and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news includes: the ‘Most Important Business Issue’, Self-isolation Changes in Wales, Self-certification, Heat Pump Ready programme and more…

Business Newsletter

In the news in this first week of the new year: setting strategy, Full custom controls began 1st Jan, Non-Domestic Rates Relief and more…

Business Newsletter

In this week’s news we feature the rise in Job vacancies, an HMRC Employer bulletin, the Barriers to Start Up Grant and so much more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news highlights changes in Covid status, Filing accounts, Food fraud resilience, Freeport maps, the Community Changemakers Fund and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news covers Customs changes on 1 Jan 2022, Repaying Overclaimed CJRS, reforming R&D tax relief, Wales Technology Awards and more…

Business Newsletter

This week we highlight new COVID safety measures, current levels of job vacancies, the Working Minds campaign and SME training support package…

Business Newsletter

Inflation is rising, so in this week’s news we focus on the benefits of business planning; other news highlights the Extension of COVID Passes and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news highlights the cost of COVID, International Trade Week, Future Energy Wales 2021 conference and offers guidance on the Super-Deduction for new equipment.

Business Newsletter

This week’s news offers information about The Recovery Loan Fund, the Help To Grow training programme, All Women Entrepreneurial Network and more…

Business Newsletter

This week’s news highlights COP26, and includes information about the Autumn Budget, Livestock Movement and Xmas Posting dates, and much more…

Business Newsletter

We preview the Autumn Budget, offer information about the Menopause in the Workplace Toolkit, Way to GO Wales, and much more …

Business Newsletter

The latest news includes information about: Self-assessment deadlines, National minimum wage, Health and Safety spot checks and much more…