
Tax news, business stories and topical business features.

Welcome to the July edition of our Tax newsletter. We hope that you find this informative. …

A reminder about payments relating to benefits in kind and National Insurance. Employers must pay Class …

Confirmation bias

  Confirmation bias is a cognitive bias where individuals tend to search for, interpret, favour, and …

HM Revenue & Customs have recently updated and clarified their guidance on training costs paid by …

The data economy

  The creation, processing and utilisation of data for commercial or societal purposes. Data is a …

When you visit a stately home or gardens, you are likely to be asked if you …

  In a tough market it takes an innovative sales strategy to succeed. In today’s challenging …

There may be gaps in your national insurance contributions due to various circumstances. Career breaks and …

The 9-box grid

The 9-box grid is a tool for talent management and succession planning. The 9 box grid …

A basic rate taxpayer will obtain 20% pension tax relief on contributions up to the earnings …

2024 General Election

We knew it was coming – but we did not know the date – until recently. …

Welcome to the June edition of our Tax newsletter. We hope that you find this informative. …